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    Paper Airplane

    Arcade 0.64K ▶ PLAY 0.64K🎮 Paper Airplane

    Curvy Road

    Arcade 0.36K ▶ PLAY 0.36K🎮 Curvy Road

    Over Rooftops

    Action 0.49K ▶ PLAY 0.49K🎮 Over Rooftops

    Metaverse Dash Run

    Arcade 0.43K ▶ PLAY 0.43K🎮 Metaverse Dash Run

    Shoot the Asteroids

    Arcade 0.34K ▶ PLAY 0.34K🎮 Shoot the Asteroids

    Drive and Park Car

    Adventure 1.06K ▶ PLAY 1.06K🎮 Drive and Park Car
